These are 3 to 5-hour experiences targeting a specific facet of the human-horse experience. En-JOY the time spent exploring the topic of the day with the horses. The contribution for each class will be $40 unless otherwise stipulated. Contact us about bringing your horse for the day.
Dates and Topics:
February 11 - BALANCE Do you need to be "fit" to ride? What does that mean? Muscle strength can sometimes create unwanted bracing or tension in the body. Riding is more about balance, centring, breath and NO TENSION... being able to identify and release the braces. When you can do this, the horse is also able to move more freely! This class is a mix of movement with stillness, stretching, body awareness, finding your natural balance on the ground, and then on your horse.
March 25 - PARTNERSHIP Have you ever tried ballroom dancing? Explore the concept of partnership through dance with your horse. Bring along a favourite song and then learn a simple way to choreograph your special dance. This can be done on the ground or in the saddle.
April 1 - MOVEMENT Horses need and love to move. And so do humans! Perfect! This class is about ways you and your horse can move together. Spring-time means fresh grass, extra energy, raging hormones. Movement at this time of year can be a healthy way to help level out and manage all of these seasonal changes.
May 13 - CONFIDENCE This is a key ingredient to a satisfying and fear-less way of being with horses. What does it look like, feel like - for me and for my horse? How do I achieve it? What if I lose it? What if my horse loses it? This class will take us into the areas of leadership, clarity, trust and breathing through experiences and activities with our horses at liberty. This class is a must for anyone who is around horses.
July 29 - OBSTACLES These can be both fun and scary! We will explore obstacles in a physical and metaphorical sense. How do we navigate obstacles? Which ones do we go through/over? Which ones do we go around? And which ones do we avoid altogether? Confidence, partnership, awareness, willingness, communication and language will be explored. Then, get on and go ride!
November 25 - ENERGY Become aware of your energy and your horse's energy. Energy is the life force within and around each of us. It's quantum. It's expansive. It's connected. It's infinite. This class will leave you with a glimpse into a whole new awareness of yourself, your horse - and your world!