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2019 Workshops and Classes

Discover, explore, experience the wisdom of the horse in various formats in 2017. There are four opportunities to experience a 2-Day Workshop. In addition, there are seven 3 to 5-hour Classes that target a specific aspect of the human-horse experience.


En-JOY the time spent with the horses in whichever format fits for you!




The foundation of the Luaxophy Method is The Friendship Program. This is a step-by-step approach to developing excellence in horsemanship. It builds awareness, willingness and language, along with leadership and connection. The relationship is literally at the heart of it all. 


Sign up for one-on-one or small group lessons and get started. This is not a weekly lesson program. Take a lesson when you need it. Just keep tuning in and moving forward. 


There will be other activities along the way -- stay tuned for more!





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